It was a weekend of reunions for me of the most special kind. First an opportunity to spend time with amazing women I have called friends since our first days of kindergarten, to running with open arms to my daughters on visiting day at sleepaway camp. Connections, hugs, familiarity, authenticity are a real and beautiful thing!
The weekend started with my first trip down to Prince Edward County. I had never been despite hearing how awesome the wineries, restaurants and shops were in the area (mostly because I interviewed so many of the wineries on the show). It did not disappoint and I was sincerely impressed with it all. What was meaningful was having the chance to catch up with friends who I don’t get to see often, but who continue to have an immense impact on my life. Sometimes you just get lucky and Mme Apsimon’s kindergarten class gave me more than a healthy start to education – it gave me friendships that would last a lifetime. We’ve added to the group with each major transition, moving onto middle school and high school, but the core has remained true. We now live in different countries, continents and zip codes but as many of you reading this can attest to – despite not seeing or talking to these friends for weeks, months and even years – at first glance time disappears and we start right where we left off. The conversation topics have shifted over the years but I’m grateful the honesty, openness and willingness to be vulnerable has not.
My personal highlight did not involve food or beverages but rather a trip down memory lane while doing a little thrift shopping. We found some dresses that reminded of us of the late 80’s and early 90’s and somehow we decided to try a few on for a photo op. I love the feeling of a good belly laugh!
Brynn and I were not able to take in the wine tours as we needed to get back to Ottawa for our kid’s visiting day at camp. I thought it would be quite fitting to add the picture of us as kindergarten classmates and for now I’ll skip the next 30 plus years of life adventures together to focus on our kids who despite living on opposites sides of the continent are as close as can be!
Welcome to camp! Yes, I have had a really wonderful first few weeks of the summer as my kids have been away at sleep away camp. As much as I miss them, my “To Do” list of things is finally getting smaller. As for my kids being away – they love it. The independence, the activities, learning new sports, trying new things and establishing their own relationships with friends that will last a lifetime. It’s also an opportunity for them to soak in some Jewish culture with other kids who aren’t exposed to it throughout the year. I have one more week to get everything I need too around the house complete and my life organized for the year – they are home in no time.
Many people are taking the time these days to head to the cottage or go camping. Some of you are entertaining, others are just trying to not get sunburnt or bitten. This is the perfect time for a little summer survival guide with Natural Food Pantry! Be warned that there will be a few added twists.
Last week was the release of my podcast with former World Cup Freestyle Skiing Champion Elisa Kurylowitz. As a former national level athlete, I could relate to many of her stories about training, and competition, the highs and the lows, but the heartbreaking reality of missing an Olympic Spot is something only she can take us through and explain the downward spiral that followed. If you haven’t had a chance to listen it really is a wonderful story about making a comeback into one’s own life!
This week our we bring you on quite the journey with Sarah Roberts. The author of the 28 Day Kick the Sugar Habit has beaten more than her sugar habit. The author of Sarah Talks Food is incredibly open about her life as an alcoholic, finding sobriety and realizing each and every one of us has our own vice to battle. Outspoken with some great tools and tips for those who suffer, she made for a very interesting, emotional and educational chat. The podcast will be released to all my platforms as always on Thursday.