And welcome to my first mail out!
I wanted to reach out to say thank you to all of you who signed up for the upcoming website. It’s an exciting time!
Life has been a crazy whirlwind since my last show on CTV Morning Live on Nov. 10th.
I didn’t realize until I walked away from the job just how tired I really was. People ask how I’m feeling these days, and an immediate smile comes over my face. I am rested and the dark cloud is lifting. It wasn’t a necessarily negative cloud nor did I think it actually existed, but the more I sleep and adjust to normal hours, the more I can tell that I have a different energy and aura around me.
I’m spending my days helping build my website, reaching out to contacts for the upcoming podcasts and writing. It’s quite the change from the hustle and bustle of a four-hour morning show. I haven’t spent time picking out my “Outfit of the Day” and I must admit I’ve probably put on the same pair of leggings a few days in a row. My hair has been in a bun and on more than one occasion I have been in my pajamas well past noon. The stilettos are now slippers! I realize I need to invest in some more fashionable fitness gear now rather than pencil skirts 🙂
I am also facing a lot of new challenges. For one, the days are shorter (this is based on the extra three and a half hours of sleep I now enjoy) and I’m starting to feel like I don’t have the time to get things done or that the school day comes to an end much earlier than I remember. I now realize the challenges people face when they work the “normal” day shift of finding time for themselves or putting energy towards their health. I also feel the challenges of sitting for longer hours than I did before. From the time my alarm went off at 3:40 am until the show ended at 10am, I was running around getting things done. I walked, back and forth from the set to my desk hundreds of times and I ate healthy snacks throughout the day. But now, I try and stay out of the kitchen for fear I will snack all day, and I find I’m not eating the healthy balance I had once prepped. Granted, it’s only been a few weeks. I know that I need to give it time to find the routine I need and adjust.
As we are building content for the website, I would love to know what it is some of you are looking for. Is it fitness ideas, workouts, plans, or nutrition tips and meal planning? What kind of guests would you like to listen to on the podcast? How much of me would you like me to share? As many of you know I talk about being coach-able and open to constructive criticism. So, here’s your chance to make some suggestions or offer an idea or request. I can’t promise you everything right at the start, but this is a new venture and I really am looking forward to sharing the journey with you!
Stay tuned and thank you for your support!