I hope you all had a great Canada Day long weekend. Ours was filled with everything you could think of! Sunday morning the girls left for sleep away summer camp and our “staycation” began 🙂
I should begin my mentioning the girls have been on countdown to camp, since they arrived home from camp last summer. It is an amazing escape for them as well, with dozens of sports, activities and new adventures waiting for them.
As for Tony and I, we were fortunate enough to bolt straight to a friends cottage (check out my recent Instagram posts for my “surfing”- I am super stoked)Â and enjoy the fresh air, great company and the lake. Yesterday we managed to make it back to the city for a great dinner and fireworks with wonderful friends. It was a great way to celebrate this amazing country we live in.
For those of you now on vacation, I truly hope you are able to unwind and enjoy the Vitamin D and the people around you. As for the rest of us….I feel you! Back to work!
No break from the “Living Your Life w Lianne Laing” podcast. As always, there will be a new release on Thursday. It was a reunion of sorts for me, with Dr. John Zielonka in studio. For a number of years Dr. Z was a regular contributor to my “Today’s The Day” segment on CTV Morning Live. As for his introduction:
The core values for Dr John Zielonka in his Ottawa chiropractic natural health center is based on human health potential, integrity, leadership, trust and truth. That’s a lot to ask when it comes to understanding our health, the mistakes we might not realize we are making and the shift in thought to treat the cause. Now an author of 7 books, like Healthy Beliefs, Deadly Choices, Changing Lives, Saving Lives, The science of vitamins as well as his newest book The science of Brain health he continues to work with patients of all ages and with incredibly diverse needs…from Olympians to professional athletes, to car accident victims, rehab patients and newborns. He is referred to as a functional health doctor and also an orthomolecular nutritionist. The end goal is optimal health for all.
Also, some of you may have seen the additional newsletter I sent out late last week about my new involvement with TMPL Sportswear. I appreciate the comments and the feedback. If you missed it- Here is a quick recap 🙂
When you exercise your body temperature can increase by up to four degrees. Athletes can sweat .8L -3.7L of sweat per hour. During exercise toxins from chemicals and dyes in the sportswear can be absorbed into the body from friction, heat and sweat. These chemicals have been linked to skin disorders, infertility, respiratory diseases, learning disabilities and cancer. This set off alarms for me as Andie, Jamie and I live in sports bras in my house and sometimes are too lazy to take them off even when the workout is done.
My friends, whose kids play sports often discuss the bacteria and dirt associated with the equipment and clothing underneath. Why not have the clothing that protects them rather than absorbs the germs and the stink. The question TMPL asks- Shouldn’t an athlete think about what they put ON their body as well as IN.
The big thing for me was also comfort, fit and style. I was thrilled when my order arrived. It fit like a glove and I loved the feel of the fabric. This is just their first collection that has come out, with more styles and colors ready to go. But I wanted to get in with the company early and share the information with my amazing tribe of followers. Please use this link and the promo code to purchase any items at a 15% discounted price. https://tmplsportswear.com/discount/LIANNEL
Last but not least….An update on my meditation. I am now fully hooked. I have moved from my comfortable chair down to the floor in the proper sitting position, and while I use the “Headspace” app from time to time, I am now able to meditate without the guidance and just the silence. I am enjoying both ways and feel it is really helping me with my outlook on life. I am hoping to be able to share more about this journey in time so that I might be able to help others looking for a way to minimize the clutter in their brains 🙂
Much Love and see you back here next week!
Lianne xo
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