Wearing my new “Worthy Wand” I embarked on two new things this week in an effort to keep my productivity elevated and to shift my mindset with constant challenges coming my way…
- I downloaded a meditation app called Headspace (something I really never thought I would do). My friend, and expert on my “Awaken A Better You Wellness Cruise” Tosca Reno said the meditation helped her on so many levels, and almost every single health practitioner I have had on my podcast has expressed the same thing. So I finally gave in. I’m starting slow, but have managed the daily meditation so start the day. I will keep you posted on its effects.
- I subscribed to Seth Godin’s blog. I’m probably late to the game on this one but happy I I came across his platform. Here was the first email I received from him.
“I broke two bowls today.
I was emptying the dishwasher, holding both small clean bowls in one hand. One of them slipped, and I watched, aghast, as it started to fall in slow motion toward the hard kitchen floor.
In a valiant but vain attempt to miraculously catch the bowl, I dropped the second one as well.
Now both were gone.
Often, the best thing to do with a lost cause is to let it go. Because pursuing it gets in the way of the causes you haven’t lost yet.
For some reason, this little “life lesson” was the exact thing I needed at that moment. Maybe you will find something for you there as well”
This week’s podcast guest is Dr. Rob Gauvreau who has spent the last 35 years dedicated to the practice of sports medicine. I admit, my athletic and active family has often visited his practice for our sports related injuries and rehab. As you will hear, he specializes in the care of muscle and skeletal injuries and conditions that affect the active person. He focuses on leading edge regenerative solutions like platelet rich plasma and guided injections to name a few. He has worked for the OHL, CFL, and NHL as well as a number of universities and other sports institutions. He is a big believer in quality movement. We talk honestly about his outlook on rehabilitation, movement, exercise and the “sitting disease”. His focus is always on getting to the underlying reason for the injuries rather than the quick fix of rehab machines to do the wok. That sore shoulder, lower back pain, and arthritic hip are meant to feel better. For more information check out their website http://www.optimizeottawa.com
A massive packaged arrived from my friend Matt Cundhill who runs The Soundoff Podcast Company. The box sat unopened on my dining room table for days until I finally had the courage to open it up. Inside, an entire podcast recording set up for me to manage on my own. As I have mentioned- I am looking to continue to grow “Living Your Life w Lianne Laing” and with the amount of amazing connections I have around the world, I want to bring these people to you. I will continue to record one podcast a week from the amazing Extension Marketing studio here in Ottawa for local content and will begin to record another segment via Skype, Google Hangout or Facebook Live for the other. Give me some time to get my bearings on how it will all work, but I am looking forward to expanding out the content and the people. This will continue to fall under the “Living Your Life w Lianne Laing” podcast- just with added content.
This was my look for last years Governor General Awards. I am including it in this newsletter to let you know about a contest I have underway with the National Arts Center to win tickets to this years event. Sandra Oh ( who I actually went to high school with ) and Rick Mercer are this years laureates. Head to this picture on my Instagram account and follow the simple instructions to have a chance to win a pair of tickets to the almost sold out even ( only single tickets remain). Contest wraps up Wednesday night! @liannelaing.
Have an awesome week everyone!
Lianne xo